Top 10 Reliable Career Options for Women

Top 10 Reliable Career Options for Women

Women are making huge strides today in almost all career fields. Moreover, the career options for women have expanded more than ever. What we need is to find the best fit that allows us to play so many roles that are usually expected of women, for example, the role of a mother, a caregiver, and a bread winner. 

The task of finding the balance between your career and family can be daunting, but not if you choose a career that complements your strengths and helps you grow.

So, in this article, we talk about the most suitable career choices or top jobs for women. Let’s get started.

1) Entrepreneurship

Wouldn’t it be excellent to work for yourself from the place of your choice doing what you love? Entrepreneurship can be the way to go for you if you have the necessary business skills and the passion to contribute directly to society. Be it baking, owning a salon, or anything else – you can turn your skills into a reliable income stream. 

To get started, figure out how you’re going to go about investments, business setup, staffing, etc. It may take up to a few months to establish your business, but after everything is in place, you can take charge of your personal life without losing sight of your professional life. To get inspired read about all these amazing women entrepreneurs in India.

2) Image Consulting

Image consulting can be the top career choice for women because of the natural flair and charisma that they so often display. If you have a natural sense of style, confidence, emotional intelligence, soft skills, and interpersonal skills, this may be your calling. 

Image consulting is one of the best career options for girls in India because it enables you to become your own boss without any major investment. All you need is a certification that adds credibility to your profile and you can start training people from all walks of life, right from your living room. That’s right; you do not necessarily need to set up a store or office space. With a powerful website and a strong portfolio, you can offer your services online and work on your own time. Do read about this career choice in detail because it can give you the financial independence you want and that too on your own terms. 

3) Corporate Executive

A corporate executive job can be a great fit for women since it entails streamlining day-to-day operations in an organisation, including implementing strategies, directing employees, managing budgets, etc. While these skills come naturally to most women, the corporate executive role can be extremely rewarding if you have a good understanding of business operations and possess strong leadership skills. 

If this sounds great, you would need to get a degree in management or business, stay on top of trends, and build a professional network to get great opportunities. Consistency with all this can set you up for success. 

4) Medicine

Women are natural caregivers in most cases because of their high emotional quotient. So, roles in medicine like a surgeons, pharmacists, nurses, etc. can be the way to go. A career in medicine isn’t only associated with wealth, it also ensures that you don’t have to worry about job security. 

Moreover, roles in medicine never go out of demand. Once you have significant experience in this industry, there’s no looking back. 

5) Teaching 

Teaching has always been a women-friendly career option since it doesn’t require working long hours, which is especially great for mothers and homemakers. Moreover, it can be amazingly rewarding to share your knowledge and play a significant role in children’s growth. Another aspect that makes it one of the top career options for women is that there is no recession in the education industry. Your skills as a teacher would always be sought after. 

6) Human Resource Management

A Career in human resource management, for example, HR Manager, can be one of the best career options for girls in India because of its handsome salary and the most coveted work-life balance. The job requires skills like management of staff, payment administration, knowledge of policies, etc. With a BBA or MBA degree, you can easily get started and start earning experience to make it big in this industry. 

7) Interior Design

Women are known for their natural sense of aesthetics, colour, patterns, etc. If you are someone who can turn the most mundane of places into a beautiful and attractive space, interior design can be your final destination. To earn credibility in the industry, it is best to be certified. However, if you can take up pro-bono projects and build your portfolio, you can establish yourself as a successful interior designer in the long run. 

8) Wedding or Event Planning

The wedding planning industry is worth over 25 billion and growing at the rate of 30%. So, if you are interested in planning events like weddings, corporate events, etc., you can give this career option for women a try. 

However, you may require some investment amount in the beginning. It is best to promote your brand online to get more leads and better offers. 

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9) Makeup and Styling

Be it offering makeup artist and styling services to a bride or a model for a magazine shoot, the opportunities in this creative industry can be excellent. If you display refined skills and have a solid portfolio, you can get some amazing makeup and styling gigs. Moreover, if you have a renowned physical or online brand, you can make lakhs a month. 

10) Media

For women with excellent communication skills, creativity, and a love for research, media can be an excellent career choice. From PR marketing to social media marketing, almost all companies today require media professionals. Moreover, you can pick from tons of options in media like copywriting, photography, editorial writing, public relations, advertisement, etc. Make sure to do your research and understand what best suits your strengths. 


There is no dearth of career options for women in India. Just set your priorities in terms of what you expect out of your career. Also, assess your strengths and qualities to make a good choice. 

You can always come back to this article to get direction.

I hope it was helpful.


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