5 Surprising Health Benefits of a Clean Home

5 Surprising Health Benefits of a Clean Home

A clean home is beneficial for more than just your sanity – it also has the potential to improve your health. Homeowners who declutter and remove excess debris, grime, dust, etc. in their homes report decreased feelings of many negative conditions, including stress. Why is there such a connection between the state of your life and the state of your home? Some professionals believe it has something to do with “visual clutter” – that harmless-looking pile of clothes on the floor or that stack of books next to your bed can have an impact on how you feel. The more clutter you have in your home, the harder it is to “see” the things that need doing.  And the harder it is to see what needs doing, the more stressed you are likely to feel. You might even get used to living in a cluttered environment – but studies have shown that less clutter begets better health! In this article, we shall discuss some of the surprising health benefits of a clean home.

  1. Chronic Headaches

One surprising health benefit of cleaning is that it can help reduce the number and severity of headaches. Some people suffer from frequent, chronic migraines which are caused by dirty surroundings.  When there is too much dust in your home, it can cause chronic tension headaches in some people.

  1. Asthma and Allergy Relief

Allergies and asthma can be caused or worsened by exposure to allergens such as dust mites, animal dander, cockroaches, and pollen. One of the best ways to protect yourself from these irritants is through regular cleaning; vacuuming frequently (at least once a week) will help you remove contaminants before they can settle into your carpet and upholstery. Pets can cause allergic reactions in some people. By doing pet stain cleaning regularly, you can help reduce allergens in your home

  1. Improved Mental Health

People who live in cleaner homes are less likely to suffer from depression, according to a 2009 study published by environmental psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin. The researchers surveyed over 700 women living in low-income housing about their exposure to indoor contaminants and emotional well-being. They found that those who reported exposure to high levels of indoor air pollutants were more likely to suffer from depression.

  1. Sleep Improvement

A clean home doesn’t just mean less dust, dirt, and mold – it also means a reduction in allergens. By removing these irritants from your environment, you’ll be able to enjoy more restful nights of sleep without coughing or wheezing throughout the night. Sleep is very important for your physical and mental health, so be sure to keep all of these benefits in mind when deciding how often you should clean your home.

  1. Fewer Toxins

Studies have found that people who live in homes with fewer indoor air pollutants are less likely to develop chronic diseases such as asthma or heart disease later on. When it comes to indoor air quality, there are many factors to consider – but one of the most important is your cleaning routine. Keeping your home clean on a regular basis will go a long way in protecting you from potentially hazardous contaminants.

A home is a place where you should feel safe and comfortable, which is why it’s so important to keep your home clean. It might be difficult to keep up with cleaning when life feels overwhelming, but it will pay off in the long run. Feel better by decluttering your home and reducing the number of indoor pollutants in it. Follow these tips to maintain a clean environment, which can lead to lower stress levels, fewer headaches, higher energy levels, and even better sleep!


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